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How To Properly Clean Your Eyeglasses

Posted by on 9th Apr 2017

Everyone who wears glasses is guilty of simply blowing hot breath onto the lenses and wiping them off with whatever you are wearing. However, this can not only make your eyeglasses more smudgy but it can also scratch them. This is because of the small pieces of debris or dust that you pick up throughout the day. In order to make your eyeglasses last longer you will need to clean them properly and frequently.

Mistakes To Avoid

1. Cleaning your glasses with clothing.

Like we mentioned before cleaning your eyeglasses with clothing can hurt more than it can help so it is best to always opt for a soft lens cloth that will clean your eyeglasses gently and effectively.

2. Dry Cleaning

It can be very tempting to just grab a piece of paper towel or a dry cloth and buff away all of the dirt and smudges. However, dry surfaces can be rough and may scratch your lenses. It is better to stick to soap and water to get your eyeglasses really clean.

3. Using Household Cleaners

Household cleaners usually contain ammonia which breaks down the protective coating on the lenses and can make them more susceptible to scratching. You should opt for soap and water or a cleaner that is specially designed for your eyeglasses.

4. Only Using Eyeglasses Cleaner

While cleaners are very convenient and do a good job of cleaning your glasses, they can also be harsh and can break down the protective coating over time. 

How To Properly Clean Your Eyeglasses

1. Lather the lenses with water and a lotion free dish-washing detergent until they are washed thoroughly.

2. Rinse well until there is no more suds and until there is no more visible film on the lenses. Make sure to rinse extra carefully where the lenses meet the frames and around the hinges.

3. Gently shake off any water that's left on your eyeglasses. It should roll right off which means you won't have to over-dry it and risk scratching the lenses.

4. Dry gently with soft patting motions. Use a soft cloth that has not been washed with a fabric softener or dryer sheets. 

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