How To Know If Your Kid Needs Eyeglasses.
Posted by on 17th Mar 2017
Being able to see properly is so important no matter what age you are. However, when a kid is in school it is so crucial that they have the best eyesight possible whether that is with or without the help of eyeglasses. This is the point in their life when they need to use their eyes to read, write, and learn everything they can learn. You might find yourself asking how you'll know if your kids need eyeglasses or maybe you're seeing signs and want to confirm your suspicions. Whatever the reason, we have compiled a couple of the ways you can tell that your kid needs eyeglasses.
Constantly Rubbing Or Touching Of The Eyes
If you notice that your child is rubbing their eyes a lot or covering them with your hands, that may be a sign of eyestrain. Eyestrain is caused when the eyes have to work too hard to focus on things like words and letters. This may be a sign that they are far-sighted and have difficulty when things get too close. Eyestrain can also be caused by other things but there is no reason to brush it off when you could simply get it checked out.
Sitting Too Close To The TV
Sometimes kids simply sit too close to the TV because they don't know any better but other times it could be because they are having trouble seeing it from a distance. This may be an early warning sign that they need eyeglasses.
Constantly Losing Their Place While Reading
When a child is reading and learning to read, it is normal for them to lose their place every once in a while and skip a couple things. However, if they are doing it consistently and it is becoming a hindrance to their learning, it may also be a sign that they could use glasses or reading glasses.
Squinting Or Closing One Eye
If your child is squinting a lot while they are reading, watching TV, or trying to focus on anything in particular, it could indicate nearsightedness, farsightedness, or even astigmatism. If your child does this you may want to get it checked out at their next eye doctor visit. Additionally, closing one eye while they are trying to focus on something might also indicate a vision impairment.
The only way to be sure whether or not your child needs eyeglasses is to take them to their eye exams and leave the diagnosing up to the doctor. Luckily, if your kid does need eyeglasses, they can still be kids. This is because we here at DanielWalters.Com have a huge selection of kids eyeglasses that are durable, lightweight, and adorable. They range from whimsical and fun to sophisticated and understated.